Petition for Inclusion of CMA in New Income Tax Act-2025

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For Petition for Inclusion of CMA in New Income Tax Act-2025

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Name Category City/State Comment Date
Ravi Verma Student Kolkata Kindly include *Cost Accountants* in the Definition of " *Accountants* " as outlined in the Section 515(3)(b) under the proposed Income Tax Act-2025. 06-03-2025
Parashuram Chakravarthy Bengaluru 06-03-2025
Namrata Nayak Member Bhubaneswar In all manner CMA should get inclded in tge defination of accountant for TAX Audit purpose, So as a member I am giving my complete and strong support for the same. 06-03-2025
Raj Semwal Member Uttarakhand 06-03-2025
Podugu vikash Member Rayagada CMAs are eligible for IT audit 06-03-2025
Divya Others Dindigul/Tamilnadu Yes,I Support CMA 06-03-2025
Kapil paliwal Member Delhi 06-03-2025
Harin Vaishya Student AHMEDABAD Respected sir/ ma'am include CMAs in definition of Accountant under the income tax bill,2025 05-03-2025
Sanjeeb dash Student Bhubaneswar/odisha With due respect mam kindly consider our hardwork . 05-03-2025
Anuj Viral Satra Student Mumbai CMA's syllabus covers almost all the essentials. Also, this profession allows one to know the core of any entity, which in turn helps perform any activity with more accuracy and clear viewpoint 05-03-2025
Divyasankar Student Kanchipuram 05-03-2025
K R VIJAYARAMAN Member Chennai 05-03-2025
Vinodhini Gopalakrishnan Student Kanchipuram Tamilnadu Cma should be included in the definition of "ACCOUNTANT " 05-03-2025
Raghunandan Member Telangana Cost Accountants have good understand and practical knowledge on income tax laws , so should it definitely inclusion of Cost Accountant in definition of Accountant in the New Income Tax Bill 2025 05-03-2025
FCMA TSSV SANTHOSH KUMAR Member Hyderabad Recognise us as Accountants 05-03-2025
Saravanan K Member Bengaluru We are as competent as CA's If CA's claim Tax is exclusively for them then GST should be exclusively given to CMA's ... We deserve to be included in the Definition of "Accountants" Eagerly waiting for the good news... 04-03-2025
Sanjay Gupta Member Delhi CMA should be considered Accountant for Tax Audit 04-03-2025
Satyam Pandey Student Mumbai Please include cost accountant in defination of accountant in new income tax bill. 04-03-2025
Abhishek Raj Student Bihar Strongly support! 04-03-2025
Vishal alisham vasave Student Palghar Maharashtra I support to inclusion of CMA in the definition of the accountant 04-03-2025
Dinesh Yadav Member Greater Noida 04-03-2025
B V Ramana Murty Member Hyderabad Telengana Cost Accountant should be included in the definition of Accountant under Income Tax Act 04-03-2025
Raja Gopal Member Hyderabad 04-03-2025
Siva Kumar G V Member Hyderabad Requested to include CMA in the definition of "Accountant" in the Income Tax Bill 2025 04-03-2025
Mahipal Reddy Challa Member Hyderabad CMA ‘s have depth knowledge on Direct Taxation and have equal syllabus in CMA, like other institutions which already included new income tax act 04-03-2025
Prassad Rao Kalayru Member Secunderabad 04-03-2025
Y K Srinath Member Hyderabad I strongly support inclusion of CMAs in New Income Tax Act 2025 04-03-2025
Anki Reddy Chundi Hyderabad Telangana The inclusion of CMA in the definition of Accountant in proposed Income Tax Act in the interest of the country 04-03-2025
Sridhar Guda Member Hyderabad Request for Inclusion of CMA in New Income Tax Act-2025 04-03-2025
V P Raju Member Tamil Nadu Time to recognise our accountant profile and accounting capabilities… 04-03-2025
SRIKANTH KANKANALA Member hyderabad 04-03-2025
Cma i damodara reddy Member Hyderabad, Telangana Pls change /include in accountant definition-Cost accountant n do justification on degital Bharat, give opportunity to All accountants -CA/CMA/CS in all areas to serve better All Tax/audit/legal matters of tax payers pls 04-03-2025
Harsha Tomar Student Thane 04-03-2025
S Satya Sai Krishna Student Andhra Pradesh Iam a CMA student, I know the value and knowledge of what CMA profession do and it is very highly important to include CMA in the New Income Tax Act 2025. 04-03-2025
Sandhya M Student Bangalore Requesting for Addition of CMA in the new era of Tax Audit for betterment of society and a crystal clear compliance. 04-03-2025
Himanshu Nassa Member Gurugram 04-03-2025
S GANESH Member Hyderabad Please include Cost Accountant within the definition of Accountant under Income Tax Act 04-03-2025
MOU BANERJEE Member Asansol I support this in inclusion 04-03-2025
Akhil Member Karnataka 04-03-2025
Vickey Chaursia Student Ranchi CMA curriculum has sufficient tax syllabus and provisions for us to be proficient in various tax related regulations. Further to have an equal playing ground for all professionals, I firmly believes CMA should be included in the definition of Accountants in the Act. 04-03-2025
Lalam asha Kumari Member Tuni 04-03-2025
Mohammed fais nk Student Kozhikode Include ours 04-03-2025
Sandip Saha Member Bengaluru I am in support of inclusion of CMA under income tax under accountant definition 03-03-2025
Navin Khushlani Student Jaipue 03-03-2025
dhruti bhat Student karnataka Cost accountants also can do the tax audits we people want that right 03-03-2025
Rebelli Sai Ushoday Student Telangana The syllabus of taxation of both CA & CMA are same. 03-03-2025
Siddhesh dattatray chavan Student Mumbai If the syllabus is same then why the rights are not given to us 03-03-2025
Siddhi Masurkar Student , mazgaon Mumbai- 400010 03-03-2025

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